I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Thoughts for Sunday:

Went to the pool with the family on Monday afternoon as it was hot and the kids needed to get out of the house! I took a couple of books with me to read as I wasn't in the mood to hang out in the pool and was in the mood to read. I tend to take 2 or 3 books with me incase I get bored reading one I can switch to another - which tends to be the norm for me. This time though I started with a book called "Revolution in World Missions" and couldn't put in down except to ponder on what I had just read. It's a fasinating book which I would recommend to all. Really makes you think about missions and third world countries and our role. Three things that made me think the most:

1. Native missionaires - the writer is an advocate for native missionaires oppose to missionaires from the west going to the east. It makes a lot of sense as people tend to listen to someone who is like them (looks, culture), lives like them, understands them and their present belief systems and culture. They would have more of an impact because they would stay there for longer terms to help mature the new believers. It reminds me that Jesus was the first "native missionary". He came to earth as one of us, looking like us, lived our lives, toiled along beside us with all it's hardships, frustrations, and temptations; growing up in the culture and worked with people where they were to show them God's love and lead them to God.

2. A comment about why the West is so blessed and the East (3rd world countries are not blessed with wealth, etc). He said it was because the West is a "christian" socieity and therefore blessed by God, whereas the east is still worshipping idols, other god's etc and therefore not blessed by God. But to be aware that as the west turns more and more from God - we may not be as blessed.

3. About the economics of India - kinda goes along with #2. They worship cows and rats and allow them to wander freely and are not allowed to kill them. Therefore these very same cows and rats are eating the food supply and causing the food supply to be contaminated leaving less and less for man to eat. I had never thought of that before...interesting observation.

Anyway, I'm now unto "It's not About Me, It's All about Him" by Max Lucado - into chapter 3 and so far very interesting - started reading it to my oldest child as she was driving us to church this morning. Just read the chapter that talks about it's all about glorifying God - started to sound like God was pretty selfcentred but Max made a good point - like a life boat pilot/captain - you want that person to be loudest and everyone to point to him, so others out in the sea can find him and the boat, and know they will find safety with him and his boat.

Otherthan that life has been chugging along. The weather here is hot hot hot and we are all hiding out in the basement watching movies.

Last thought for this post - I just turned my keyboard upside down and shook it to discover we are eating way too much at the computer.... ew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI! I find it interesting that i eat more and more meals at the keyboard. Used to be the tv. I wonder what that all means...

What I have had to say...