I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Friday, January 21, 2011


Well today was the day to test how to practice choosing how I was going to react...

Our kitchen has been under renovations and we are almost finished. Today the cabinet installer was back to finish off the cabinets. At the original install we discovered the upper cabinets underneath part was not finished (white with brown strips at the joiner) and we had some bottom drawers that had the wrong fronts. Company was very good and reorder new cabinets for us.

Today, was they day the installer (Lee) was back to install cabinets with finished bottoms and the new fronts. I'm downstairs ironing when he calls me up. When he went to hang the corner cabinet he discovered that they had made the cabinets with finished bottoms but they didn't finish off the exposed side - same with the other bank of cabinets. Then I commented, I hope they remembered to finish the inside of the bank of cabinets as we have glass inserts - as he checks each box we realize nope they are not finished the insides.

Now I had two choices - be frustrated, po'ed, and maybe a little angry or find the humor in it. Neither reaction was going to get the correct cabinets in today and since I don't like shooting the messager (since I am quite often the messanger) I choose humor. Lee and me laughed. Then we discovered that the garbage can wasn't ordered, someone brought one over but it was 3/4 of an inch too long and didn't work - we laughed again.

What became even funnier by the end was that one of the "corrections" to the first order was to give me a shelf in the cabinet above the oven. When he pulled out the shelf, we discovered it was finished in brown not white like the interior. We looked at it and I said, "So the pieces that were suppose to be fnished weren't and the piece that wasn't to be finished - was," and grinned.

So, I'm still waiting for the cabinets to be finished.

Next test, we put the table I had ordered together. As we flipped it over we discovered a corner had been chipped and was damaged. This one was harder to laugh about, I didn't react totally the way I should of at first. But Murray encouraged me to call them right away. I took a deep breath and called. Customer Service was very good and said they would order a new one for us, no problem (except it won't be in until end of February) but thankfully we don't have to repack it (which is good because I flattened the boxes) and we can use it until then. I ended the conversation with a good attitude.

As Murray put the chairs together, I flattened boxes and packed up the garbage. The table and chairs look awesome in the room - same color as the cabinets. I just need to but some colorful cushions on the chairs to add color to the room.

Thank you Lord for good customer service, for a great installer, for giving me the ability to choose differently than the world and for a wonderful day indoors out of the cold.

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