I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, November 19, 2006

“Sorrow is better than laughter, for sadness has a refining influence on us.” Ecc 7:3

Read that today, not sure how I feel about it as I’d rather be laughing instead of crying. Again though, open up God's word and there is the exact message I need to hear. Okay I hear you Lord!!

I’ve been quite depressed this last week, I can cry at the drop of a hat and I just want to climb into bed, pull the covers over my head and never come out again. It’s ticking me off. It’s not like anything bad is happening to me, it just seems that everyone around me has something happening to them. I feel like I am surrounded by sadness and heartache, pains and trails. Even the things that normally do not stress me out are really stressing me out. I’ve been trying to figure out why I’m feeling this way and I think one of the reasons is I have lost my perspective on things. I seem to be concentrating on all the negative in my life to the point I’m having a hard time finding anything positive. I did get some good advice the other night at church…

“Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it”

“Either way you’re a loser.”

Okay okay, you have to understand the context of those statements. They were both made by women who were trying to help me laugh or smile and they both worked. Even now just typing them has put a smile on my face.

But I think the first statement is a good one – maybe I just need to have a good cry, build the bridge back to the positives in my life and move on. Yeah, life is sucky sometimes but I’m not the only one that has crappy things happening around them and at least those crappy things are not happening to me. So maybe I need to be the joy I seem to be lacking. Change my attitude and my emotions will change with them. Right?

Easier “typed” then done. I did start feeling better in church …we were singing “Love Lifted Me” and it reminded me of the love I experienced Friday night. I felt some of the sadness lift off me and I thank the Lord for that.

Part 1 of the things I’m thankful for:

I’m thankful for the ladies of my church who rallied around me Friday night in the church kitchen. Let me cry, gave me the most wonderful sincere hugs, and encouraged me. Life would really suck without them to help me build my bridge back to enjoying life again. I know they will hold my hand, kick my butt, and push me over the bridge and for that I am thankful.

I am thankful for my niece and the opportunity to spend Saturday craft sale shopping with her – it was a lot of fun and lifted my spirits some.

Part 2 of the things I’m thankful for:

I originally ended my post on that last thankful thought – I couldn’t find anything else to be thankful for – not a good thing considering how blessed I am. But after the song, talking to someone after church about a concern of theirs and a phone call I got later today has helped me tweak my attitude some more.

I am so thankful for my church family that has rallied around me and is trying to help me send my daughter to Western this next semester. I am blown away by their generosity

I am thankful for the smile on Sarah’s face when she came home to announce their team won the gold, she scored a goal, and she got Player of the Game.

I am thankful for a clean kitchen – it never lasts long but then maybe that’s why when it is clean is feels so good.

I am thankful for quiet nights at home, sound of my children laughing in the kitchen as they clean up, good music and love – all you really need is love right? And I’ve got that in abundance. Thank you Lord.

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