I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Monday, April 16, 2007

Committed and Learning:

For those that I haven't told, and to really make it a reality for myself, I am announcing on this blog that a good friend and myself have committed ourselves to...

**drum roll**

... a 10k walking marathon at the end of May, on my anniversary infact.

I need external motivations to keep up this walking, and so this is one way to be externally motivated. I like the picture that I posted because I wish that is how I felt when I walk but I've already started to be bored by the whole walking thing. It's just that I need a destination when I walk, even when walking the dog I need to know where I'm headed. Aimlessly walking around my neighbourhood is not a good motivation for me. Listening to my youngest daugthers music on her Ipod - while it's educational to learn what she is listening to these days - it's not my kind of walking music. On the flip side walking along the riverbank with my friend, was much more enjoyable. Now that I could do everyday. Walking when it's sunny out - is also something that is much more enjoyable. Spending time in prayer makes it more enjoyable too. Thank you Lord for the sunshine and warm weather, oh and the good friends you have given me.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Tending the sick and trying not to get sick =

not very much walking. Sarah has been sick most of the week and I've been home with her. Which for me means my body is trying to get sick too, with my low immune system I usually get sick when my kids are sick. I can tell my body wants to but so far I've been able to hold it off. I've been reluctant to do much walking incase I wear myself down and I haven't been walking to work. Well I did today, only to be there for less than 15 minutes before I got a call saying I'm sick again, headache, sore throat, where's the drugs, yadda yadda. 45 minutes later, I'm walking back home.

....just got interrupted because KRISTIE IS HOME. Must go and hug her a gazillion times...

PS Sarah's team won their championship game - 2 overtimes, and a kick off later!

What I have had to say...