I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Two Thirds Through my Holiday and What do I have to Show for it?

I was laying in bed the other night thinking that if I went back to work on Monday and my coworkers asked me what I did on my holiday that I would most likely bore them to death...

What have I done?
1. Spent over 5 hours in a doctors office between 2 visits.
2. Shopped with my kids.
3. Looked at computer systems and bathroom fixtures with my husband.
4. Watched my husband demo our bathroom.
5. Watched movies.
6. Finished Showdown and Levi.
7. Started reading "Maybe Life's Just Not that Into You." and "Eragon"
8. Worried about my sick dog that puked all over my light carpet.
9. Cleaned said carpet.
10. Played computer games.

At first I thought, boy I live a boring life but then I thought of things I did that brought joy into my life this Christmas season...

1. Took supper to Jenn and John and got to see their beautiful baby girl, Imogen.
2. Went out and looked at Christmas lights with my family and then played dice all evening.
3. Had the neigbhours over for lunch on Christmas Eve.
4. Ate out for lunch every day the first week.
5. Celebrated my cousin's birthday.
6. Shared Christmas supper at my dad's.
7. Enjoyed smoothies every morning with our new blender.
8. Talked to my sister, Holly, for an hour on Christmas day.
9. Took the dog for walks.
10. Kissed and hugged my girls to the point they are most likely sick of it...but I'm not...

Okay, in someways maybe that is still "boring" stuff to relate to my co-workers BUT it's my life, and I love it .... so there.

I look forward to another year of loving my children and husband, celebrating friends and family birthdays, celebrating the new babies that have and will be joining us on this earth, watching interesting movies with my daughters, sitting in doctors office waiting for my daughters or my turn while I get some quiet time to read my books, playing with the dog and taking him for walks, and hopefully continue to grow in my need and love for God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely holiday to me! Enjoy!Love D

What I have had to say...