I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Saturday, July 04, 2009

hmm...looks like it has been a couple of months since I last blog - the curse of Facebook and Twitter - takes you away from deep thoughts to one liners that sometimes say little about what is really happening into your or can say too much of what is happening.

So what can I blog about? Well I'm sitting here next to my sick daughter watching the tv series Moonlight, using (and being quite jealous) of her new laptop. We just got back from boating with the youngest and her friend. They were out tubing and having a blast. It's always great to see smiles on my kids face and watching them have a blast. Sarah seems happier these days so I'm thankful to the good Lord for answered prayers.

It's been great having the oldest home. The one thing that I have enjoyed is the freshness of a her faith. She talks about God anywhere and everywhere - we were at Indigo one day checking out the computer where you can look up books. Once we finished looking she typed "Jesus loves you" on the search field stating that the next person needed to know that. I enjoy again getting up and going to church on Sundays as now there is more than just me that wants to go to church. I enjoyed sharing the Upside Down Project with her. She has an ease about her about prayer - we were in the grocery store and I was in a bad mood - she told me I needed to stop and pray about it right there :-) I'll miss her when she returns to her new "home".

We bought a very nice patio set at a garage sale and so now I need to have people over for more bbq's. So if you're reading this and I haven't invited you over yet make sure I do!!

Well that's it for my deep thoughts LOL

I'm thankful for sunny days, my backyard, the boat, for daughters that snuggle with you on the couch watching movies, for summer holidays, good books and even the bad ones, haircuts, slurpee's (and daughters that go get them for you), cheeries, lazy days, and the fact I only have 4 more days of work and then I'm on holidays for 3 weeks. Life is good, God is good.

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