I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day:

Well my day started off with little expectations that my family would do anything for Mother's day. What I learnt about myself today was that I have low expectations for my family which really is wrong - they can and do think of other's and do things to make you happy. I focus on the times they don't do things I expect them to instead of all the times they do and sometimes go higher than my expectations. Why is that is my next question. Is it because I feel so hurt when they don't do something I expect them to, so it hurts less when I don't expect anything? I'm not sure - something I need to mull around in my head. I do though need to remember all the times they have made me smile - like today.

I was having a shower when I started to hear Michael Buble. I was thinking I must have left my alarm on. When I went into the bedroom not only was it not my alarm but my husband was no longer in bed. When I went into the kitchen I found the source of the music - a laptop sitting on the table (and candles lit around it). My hubby and daughter had purchased me a laptop - something I have wanted for awhile - something I don't need but wanted.

Sarah had found a picture of the three of them for the desktop wallpaper - included the word Happy Mother's Day and put a smile on my hubby's face - that made me laugh. That is going to be my "wallpaper" for a long time! What I need to be thankful about today is not what I got but what they did - not only got the laptop (thinking of what I would do on it), but went through the effort of the hilarious wallpaper, and having music play that I love. Both were up waiting for me to see how I would react. For Sarah to be up that early was something in itself!

On the way to church I ended up behind two wonderful women from church. I started to think how blessed I am to know them, what wonderful mothers they were to their children. Then of course I started to think of my mom and got a bit emotional. Got a little worried I would walk into the building crying but I was able to get myself "under control". I was even able to talk to the kids in my class about the fact that I wasn't able to hug my mother today because she is in heavan waiting for me - I will get to give her lots of hugs when I get there.

So a good day which also included a long walk with a friend, a long skype talk with my oldest daughter and I even started to get my garage sale stuff in order for next weekend.

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