I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Thursday, June 29, 2006

"A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense" Prov 19:11

Have that scripture taped on my wall (have a daily calendar with scripture on my desk that a friend had sent me - I rip off the ones that I need to keep in mind - so far I have 3 on my wall). Anyhoo, this one really applys today as the whole JJE is back in my face again and I'm finding it really hard not to be anger at SAHO and SHR. I got my letter stating how much I owe them and some repayment options - from supplying them with my visa number to agreeing to automatic withdrawals from the bank (minimum of $100 a paycheck!!) Also the promisory note that I'm suppose to sign says that I agree to pay for any legal cost the district would incur in collecting from me. (sounds like a threat to me) No answers to how this will be applied against my income tax so I can get a tax credit on wages, or how it will affect my Child Benefit cheque that drastically got reduced last year or any other tax questions. Just this is what we overpaid you, pay us. I didn't get all that money - the government took 1/3 of it, yet they expect me to pay it all back erg and double erg. I was all calm about it and now I feel all worked up again and a touch of bitterness is climbing up or is it down? my throat. Anyway the union told us not to meet with the "powers" or sign or agree to anything as they haven't answered any of the union questions (which are probably what my questions are). So now we sit and wait again. Of course Payroll sent the letters in a "timely" matter as per usual (got my letter today because I went home at lunch) - I have "no later than July 3rd" to set up a meeting and they are only meeting people from the 3rd to the 14th. Oh with Friday off that gives me so much time to think about it and so much time to even book a meeting - what if I didn't get my letter til I got home and had Monday off (which alot of people are doing)? What if I was on holidays for those two weeks!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... must deep breath, must calm down, "serenity now" as Kramer would say.

So what do I have to feel thankful for today???? Okay I can still be thankful that even with this problem I still love where I work, the people and management - not sure how I would deal with the above if I didn't feel that way. I can be thankful that the group of us affected in my division all feel the same and are agreeing to a unified front on how we will proceed (so I'm not in this alone). I can be thankful for air conditioning - it's bloody hot outside. I am thankful for co-workers that are always willing to give me a lift to pick up the work vans or get the work vans without any hesitation. I can be thankful for a three day weekend to "cool down", sleep in, maybe go to an outdoor drive in theatre. I am thankful I have a job that pays well - alot of people don't. I am thankful I have a nice house - alot of people don't have a home never mind a house. I am thankful for 2 great kids - there are people who have lost their children. I am thankful for my hubby who has put up with me for 17 years and did a great job on finishing the basement. I am grateful that I have a God who is every forgiving when I'm not. "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you." Luke 6:27,28

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