I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Oldest child is home!!!!!

A friend was mentioning those moments you have when you just can't help smiling and I'm having one tonight. Kristie has been away at teen camp all week and I've missed her. Not as desparetely as I have in the past though I think that was because my sister and her son are in town and keeping me distracted. But all the same I was thrilled when she came home. The part though that is making me smile as I type this, is when Sarah comes home and I tell her that her sister is back. Right away it's "Where is she" and I can hear Kristie in the background calling for Sarah. Sarah runs in there (Kristie is laying in my bed watching tv after a nice long hot shower - which she needed) jumps into bed and they are hugging and rolling in bed :-) Then Sarah drags Kristie to her room to show off her new quilt and all, which her sister admired. Back to my room to visit and watch tv together. I feel so blessed to have these two girls that like each other and care about each other. Thank you Lord!

It's been a good week with my sister and nephew here. Worked mornings all week except Friday (which I worked all day). Seemed to be something to do every afternoon to keep us busy. Went to the dentist on Tuesday with Sarah (new dentist for us both) and found out that we are both "tongue tied" - never knew this. And as the dentist says to me (she is a friend) "I've never known you to having problems talking!" LOL Anyhoo Sarah is off to see a specialist incase this may interfer with braces, me - I've been this way for ... lets just say alot of years.... and it's never been a problem - so I'm not going to worry about it.

Read Ephesians this afternoon and discovered that I really really really like this book. My reading plan said to read only chapter 1 to 3 today but I read the whole thing - couldn't stop. In fact it might even beat Psalms in my preference now....

I am thankful for this hot weather - with burnt nose and all, I'm thankful for the variety of color and beauty that God created in this world, I am thankful for the dragonflies that are eating those pesky mosquitos, I am thankful for friends that hold you when you cry about your mother, I am thankful for my daughters who constantly bring joy to my life, I am thankful for the opportunity to get to know my nephew better and to share with him the fun of catching a crayfish (and thankful that when I told him he could not bring it into my house he was okay with that).

Currently reading: A Lineage of Grace (on the last story in the book - about Mary), Artemis Fowl
Currently listening to: Mercy Me and the lastest Casting Crown cd, and I still enjoy Kelly Clarkson
Favorite TV shows: Anything reality show (yes I'm afraid I do) - latest Big Brother 7 All Stars

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