I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Friday, July 14, 2006

A week of ups and downs:

Been a long week for me with some stressors but some good stuff too. I think I will ignore the stressors because when I talk about them I get all stressed again and I think I've finally found that "serenity" place and acceptance that God is in control and I just need to let go.

So what were the up's?

Well, my youngest daughters soccer team made it to the finals Yippee! Of course it means getting up early Saturday morning to get her to the game but it will be worth it. Hard game for them and the parents on Wednesday night - it felt like the temperature was 300 degrees and us parents were sitting facing the sun. I dressed with the least amount of clothes that still kept me respectable and acceptable by my daughters standards (as I didn't want to embarrass her *g*) but I still felt like I was melting away. I felt so bad for the girls wearing their hot jerseys and wool socks with shin pads. There's us parents yelling at them to run after the ball and I'm sure all they wanted to do was lay down on the cool grass...but they perservered and won the game. Sarah did some awesome goalie saves - I was so proud of her and one of the other parents commented on what a good goalie she was. She has been such a great kid this week. I just love her smile....I smile just thinking of it. I cannot imagine my life without her - how boring it would be. She made an angel food cake all on her own one day - first baking attempt and it was good!! I need to go and buy some more cake mixes for her *g* I was reading someone else's blog who just had a baby girl and she was commenting on the joys and experiences of it and soaking it all up. I feel the same with my girls - they are growing up so fast but each stage is so interesting. God has certainly blessed me with 2 great kids.

My sister went out of town for a few days but came "home" on Wednesday, so it's nice to have her and her son back again. I'm thankful for the time I get to spend with her and Caleb.She is a fun to hang around with and her son is such a goof - love it. She makes me smile - yesterday when I came home from work and was dealing with my frustration and anger, she looked across the kitchen table at me and politely says "So, have you talked to God about your anger issues today?" I replied very primly "Yes I have and we are still working on them." LOL

Going to work at a friends garage sale tonight and tomorrow, my friend invited me to bring my stuff over - I am really hoping I come home with a lot less stuff than I take over. I just glanced out the window though and it's not looking good, weather wise - hmmm.....hope it doesn't rain on us - I really want to get rid of my junk! But the one joy of glancing out the window is seeing the rabbit run across the yard (I'm at work on my break - we have a wild rabbit living in our "Serenity Garden" area).

Well, Thank you Lord for rain storms that my daughter and husband get to marvel at together, thank you for family members who cheer you up with just the right words, thank you for great books to read and thank you for being a God that is so worthy of worshipping and praising. Thanks for helping me deal with my stressors - for your strength and peace.

Finished reading Lineage of Grace, 3/4 through Divine, 1/2 through Artemis Fowl.

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