I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Amazing what a haircut can do...

Okay so I had a lousy crabby morning - my nerves were even twinging. Went out to meet with a company about printing a document up fancy smancy for us, stopped to get a Booster Juice (those always make me feel better) and came back to find everyone at work standing in the Nutana Curling club parking lot (our meeting place when there is a fire alarm). I pull into the parking lot, roll up to one of the staff, roll down the window and comment - "So I leave for 15 minutes and you burn the building down hey?" LOL Turns out it was a false alarm.

This afternoon I went for a cut and color and now I'm feeling better. Girls got their hair cut too, Kristie's got her's shorter and she almost has bangs - Sarah just a trim.

Tonight (Murray is out of town - just got home a bit ago) I'm constantly getting the "mom"... "Mom"...."Mom" I finally told Kristie I'd never make it as a single parent being the only one that gets called for help and answers! Then 2 seconds later Sarah calls "Mom..." I couldn't help but burst out laughing - I mean really want else can you do???

Oh and the other thing that made me laugh - I was checking blog sites and reading Monica's. Roy is doing the bike thing for MS and is raising funds. Turns out the ladies he works with convinced him that if they raise a certain amount of money, he'll wax his legs. I burst out laughing when I read that. I'm going over and donating money cause I just have to see that!

1 comment:

Ian said...

People at work want me to shave my beard for charity so I said that I would do it if they raised $1000. They already have a tenth of that.

What I have had to say...