I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We need deliberately to call to mind the joys of our journey. Perhaps we should try to write down the blessings of one day. We might begin; we could never end; there are not pens or paper enough in all the world.
-- George A. Buttrick

It always amazing how God provides for me, in the small things you know. When I'm trying to find something to read or a scripture for one of the Ladies Events or a for a card for a friend, or even when it's just something I've been chewing on in my head - he always seems to supply it. Like today, finished talking to Alice about what she thought she would talk about on Saturday, walk to the computer to check my email and thinking about what I should read or what scriptures, etc for the Ladies Breakfast on Saturday and wah la... there is a Heartlight message that is perfect - just received it today. Kristie and me have started calling them God moments.

Well it snowed on Monday, icy icy icy roads and I had to take the work van in for serving. The only way to get there is down Circle (speed limit 90km) hmmm...not looking forward to it as I'm very very very very very nervous about driving a big vehicle on ice. Especially after last winters accident when dad was driving down Circle on icy roads and lost control, spun around several times (at least it felt like it, my eyes were closed at the time) and we ended up in the ditch, on top of the fence. So I'm doing my little crisis prayer "Please make everyone drive slow so they won't be mad at me while I drive slow." Guess what? No one on the Circle drove anywhere near 50km - so I got there safe and sound - thank you Lord. And then they had to keep the van in later than 4:30 and so someone else from work went and got it for me - even better answer to my prayer!!

Well my older daughter got "hitched" today to a "creepy guy" as she puts it. Tomorrow they will be planning when they will have their baby. Before any friends freak out too much - I'm referring to her Pyschology class. They had to "speed date" and then pick someone to "get hitched" to for this project. She said the speed dating was okay, unfortunately she is too polite and when the "creepy guy" did the eye contact and "you and me" for the "hitching part" she said okay even though she rather would have picked someone else. Now she is dreading going to school tomorrow. One side of me finds it all quite hiliarious but the side that remembers high school feels realllllly sorry for her right now, since she is concerned the "creepy" guy might actually like her. I put on my mother's hat and told her to give the guy a chance, it's only for a short term and she might "grow" from this experience. I had better stock up on some Ben and Jerry's ice cream for her.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Sounds perfect for a ladies breakfast! Wish I could be there. You made me laugh outloud reading about Kristie and the creepy guy. Hope it goes well for her. Your such a good mom, to understand her agony over the situation.

What I have had to say...