I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Monday, October 23, 2006

Chapter 5 Doubt and video clips:

Wait - I'll explain why those two are appropriate together. First my favorite quote from Chapter 5:

"What God's absence does is usher us into a state of complete emptiness, where all these feelings are taken away. During these stretches our impure motivations for becoming a Christian no longer sustain us. All feelings of contentment and peace leave us, and we're forced to learn to love God simply for the sake of loving God and not for what we can get from him. It's as if God says to us during these parched moments, 'It's easy to love me when you feel close to me. How about when my peace and warmth are gone; will you loe me then? I'll leave the room for a while, and we'll find out.' "

Now video clips - the one thing I like about technology is the ability to keep in touch with people long distance on "real time" as oppose to waiting for days for the letters to arrive. I also like the fact that I have the opportunity to meet new people who turn into dear friends. And it's a great way to get information - like how to download and show a video clip on this blog. Thanks to Angela (who I have probably met briefly years ago but know her family) my doubt that I would be able to post a video to this blog has disappeared. I emailed her from her blog, she was kind enough to respond with instructions. I attempted last night and failed. But Angela encouraged me again this morning with some more advice and it worked! So thanks Angela.

This Sunday afternoon we attempted to defeat the dust bunnies, dirty dishes and laundry that was overtaking the house. The kids were helping until they got slightly distracted in the living room - here's what they got distracted doing...didn't get my house any cleaner but it sure gave me a good laugh (and that is even better than a clean house).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

running late for work but had to tell you that I love the video! good work, Heather! Haven't read your blog for awhile and haven't had the time to post myself for a long while. Oct is always crazy busy for me, moreso this year due to unforeseen work things in both my jobs. Blarg. I hope to get back on the sanity train sometime soon but for now am kinda nuts. Take care, Diana

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