I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Okay, I love snow. I love the whiteness and crispness of snow. I love the hush in the air on a night like tonight after it's fallen and how it blankets everything. I love the crunch of snow under my boots as I walk. I love imaging how each snow flake is different and God took the time to do that - it speaks of His attention to detail, creativity, love of beauty, imagination, etc.


I am sick and tired of shoveling!! It's not even December yet and I've shoveled 4 times this month... 4 times, people, 4 times! And I suspect I'll be doing it tomorrow too. :-P

Thankful for good friends, a long list of Christmas cards, having all my ironing done, driving around the streets without hitting anything or anyone, having another project sent off at work (though it may land back on my desk for revisions - at least I've started the process), rhubarb crisp dessert (and the fact one of the committee members didn't eat his so I got his dessert for my afternoon coffee break), I'm thankful one of the committee members was sick so I didn't have to teleconference in two people and have the rest of the committee watch me as I cut off at least one of the people I was dialing, and the fun of going through the recipe books looking for Christmas baking recipes....now to find the time and energy to do it!


Anonymous said...

I love snow too.

What always amazes me, is that one flake can be virtually weightless but when they join together they are almost immovable.

Maybe God is trying to tell us something.? Maybe it's a cosmic metaphor?

I'm off to shovel.. again, my brain is starting to hurt already.


Heather said...

Wow Bev - deep thought - love it.

Jennifer said...

interesting insight, Bev. cool.

i'm debating if i should go out and shovel now or wait a bit. maybe i can bribe... er... i mean convince the kids to do it when they get home after school. ; )

i'm sick of shovelling too!

What I have had to say...