I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Thursday, November 22, 2007


To all my family and friends in the states.
Not Thanksgiving here but I am feeling in a thanksgiving mood so will share:

I am thankful that I had a job that I loved and have a new job that challenges me.
I am thankful I got to play jeopardy at work today and got paid to do that.
I am thankful for telephones that keep me in touch with my daughter.
I am thankful my youngest daughter gets off the computer once in a while so I can get on it.
I am thankful the Roughriders have been winning and are now in the Grey Cup.
I am thankful that during this crisis with the mother in law, my husband has spent more time with his family.
I am thankful my brother in law has invited us over to his place to watch the Grey Cup and cook us supper.
I am thankful that during this time, my husband and me have talked more, shared more and supported each other more.
I am thankful I'm not on the picket line.
I am thankful for a car that works, a house that is warm, and a bed that is soft.
I am thankful for dear friends that have supported me, love me, tolerated me and listened to me.
I am thankful for my niece who invites me out to craft shows with her.
I am thankful for a God who is ever patient with me, loves me through it all, and is always there.
I am thankful for each day He gives me to try again and love more.
I am thankful for the children in my Wednesday night class that were soooo good and for the patience God gives me with them. For their bright smiles, their jokes, stories and kindness.

Thank you.

What I have had to say...