I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Celebrating Myself....

It's my birthday and I can party if I want to... Sarah gave me a big hug and kiss and Happy Birthday this morning. I tried to take the day off but ended up having to go in for one meeting this morning. Worked out good though - my meeting was downtown so I went downtown first thing in the morning to get my new glasses and then to the meeting. I'm very excited about my new glasses. Funny thing is I walked out with out my purse, realized when I got to the car - went back in and got in. Realized about 2 hours later I had forgotten to stop and pay the bill. I was still downtown (shopping!!) so I just went back and paid them off. When I went to the meeting I had one person tell me my hair looked really nice and another person tell me that ever time she see's me I'm thinner. Now those are the things you like to hear on your birthday...

So far it's been a good day. Bought a few clothes - a nice shirt for Kristie's grad. I really did try a dress on but I'm just not a dress girl.

Now I'm home to a nice quiet house and all the computer time I want... I confess I really don't feel like this is my last year of being in my 40's, age is definetely a state of mind.

Don't think we will go out for supper tonight as we went out on Saturday night when Kristie was home. Oh, Kristie made me my favorite raisen oatmeal cookies and left them for me as a surprise. She even told her dad he couldn't have any!! They didn't last long - I think it only took me 2 days to eat them LOL Probably not good for my low sodium diet but today I don't care.

So thank you Lord for birthdays, for family, for raisen cookies, for quietness, time and your love.

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