I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Monday, June 16, 2008

"100 Things I'm Thankful For" cont'd...

22. For new haircuts and hair that grows fast because when I'm not particularly happy with the cut/style/color it grows out of it fast.
23. Raspberry Sherbet.
24. The smell of rain - not sure what about the smell makes me feel good but I love the smell of rain, especially after a long hot stretch.
25. Badly written or boring books because they make me really appreciate the good ones.
26. Fights with my daughter that don't last long, and where we get over them fast. That even during fights/arguments I still love her fiercely.
27. Teaching Sunday School class - getting to hear what all the kids are thankful for each week.
28. I'm thankful that I didn't buy more than I did at the church garage sale LOL (and so is my husband!)
29. Pictures of my husband and me that others take and share with us, it seems those are the only pictures I have of the 2 of us together - otherwise it's one or the other taking the pictures.
30. The sound of my dishwasher washing dishes (instead of me).

Last week, Kristie got an award for being on the honor roll and a citzenship award. I'm very proud of my girl.

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