I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Monday, August 25, 2008


I confess I had my doubts about Kristie returning to Western this fall. Yes, I’ve heard all the reasons how this year of college will really help her spiritual growth and give her a solid foundation in what she believes which I am definitely all for. It just seemed like a lot of money to spend when she really doesn’t know what she wants to do as a career.

I’ve come to realize lately that it seems regardless of my doubts the good Lord wants her there. Not only has she found a family to live with but this family is moving onto campus so she will not have far to go to class. My dad decided to give Kristie his old car as a grad gift, so now she has transportation around Regina. She mentioned the other day that she has just about enough money to buy for tuition. She gave her notice at the job she currently has and they asked if she would like to transfer to Regina. A store, close to campus, would like her to work for them. I’m now starting to believe that the store will be open to her schedule and will give her enough work to help her pay her room/board.

It’s all coming together so… okay okay Lord I get the picture – you want her to go to Western this year! You don’t have to shout…okay considering my hearing problem (literally and figuratively) I guess you do. Thanks.

Here's a picture of her taking me for a ride in her new car:
Oophs wrong photo - that's her taking me for a spin in my brothers dune buggy. Here is her "new" car:
Here is a video of my two daughters bonding. My only comment: "Sarah, hands on the wheel, eyes on the road!!!" (PS she took me for a spin - they heard me screaming all the way). I love my daughters :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally catching up on blogs!

The video is toooooo funny!

Crazy girls!

and I hate it when God shouts too, but I suppose if He didn't I would probably miss a whole lot of things, I can be a little dense sometimes! LOL


What I have had to say...