I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Being sick can remind you of important facts:

Ever since my last post I’m been sick – in the midst of the second go at having the flu.

I’m starting to wonder if it was God’s way of reminding me what a great kid I have. She has been awesome through my illnesses. It seems both nights when I was my sickiest – her dad was out of town or at a hockey game with no cell phone. She looked after me, brought me whatever I needed, checked up on me. The other night when she realized how sick I was and I wanted to go to the medi clinic to make sure it wasn’t something else – but we couldn’t get hold of the hubby – she just says “Well I’ll drive you, I’ve never driven at night but I’ll drive you.” So her, her 2 friends and me piled in the car and between her and her friends back seat driving she was able to merge across all the lanes on 8th and get me to the local medi clinic and back. She also spent the rest of the evening until her dad came home checking in on me, bringing me water, making sure I was okay through the vomiting episode, and whatever else I needed. She even got up this morning after her friends left, cleaned up the basement and did all the dishes without being asked. I love my daughter! Underneath her rebellion and trying to discover herself and what she believes – she is a great kid with a good and loving heart.

Funny driving story on the way back from the medi clinic - she had to make a left turn on a light. It was night and she hadn't done that before, trying to figure out how far the cars were and if she had time to turn or not - she kept saying "can I go can I go?" Her friends are saying - "oh just wait til the light turns yellow and then go, who cares if the person behind gets mad, he can suck it up." LOL

We caved yesterday and bought a WII. I was thinking it might be a good way of keeping my daughter and her friends at our house and in the living room instead of at someone else’s house when I have no idea what they are up to. Here's a pic of my daughter and her dad playing (note her new bangs!).

So far it has succeeded. Friends came over in the afternoon, they played all afternoon, all evening, and night. She had a great time, friends had fun and I didn’t need to worry about what was going on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awww! sorry for the augh sick.. but oh so sweet of sarah! wtg teams smith!


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