I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Hearing through the fog:

My ability to hear these days is not always good. Both ears have that stuffed feeling and the "ringing" in my right ear constantly. It's like hearing through a wall of fog with a distracting whine on the side. Unless I concentrate I don't always heart all of what people are saying to me. If I'm in a room with any echo or other distracting sounds - I again find it difficult to hear and understand what people are saying - I might hear the sounds but I can't always make them make sense or there is a delay in that understanding. Plus with the distracting of the ringing I have a difficult time thinking of my responses or making sense of what I want to say. And it's exhausting some days when I spend the day in meetings... I just come home and want to do nothing. Some of the reason is because I don't always adhere to the diet or stay away from foods that make it worse.

Today I realized that my spiritual life is mimicingmy physical life. Because I haven't been following my "diet" (reading the word, prayers), I find it hard to hear or see God. It's like hearing his voice through the same wall of fog. When I do "hear" I'm not understanding it or I can't retain it long enough to apply it to my life I'm tired spiritually.

I've been reading a section in a book on reflecting the image of God. My thoughts have been around the fact that it is hard to be an image, reflection of God when you don't really "know" him - you don't spend time learning, listening, trying to understand so that your reflection is a closer image.

My question for myself is how do I get rid of that wall of fog? Actually I know how I just need to do it.

Well other than that - life has been good.
I'm thankful that my sister was not seriously injured in her car accident, I'm thankful that no one was hurt in my daughters car accident, I'm thankful that i still enjoy my job, I'm thankful that with my kitchen in the beginning of renos it's not driving me crazy, and I'm thankful it gave me the opportunity to purge the kitchen, I'm thankful for a God who has patience's with me and loves me through it all, I'm thankful for my daughters and what they teach me, I'm thankful that i can help friends in need like they have helped me, I'm thankful for long weekends, bubble baths and lots of books to read. I'm thankful for having a house that accommodates Munchkin parties and potluck bbq's, for babies to hold and love, for neighbours who find our dog when he escapes and brings him home. But I'm not thankful for this stupid little black fly that is bugging me while I type this LOL

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