I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Post Eighteen My Wedding Well... my wedding happened just shy of 22 years ago. I had a good day, and I hope everyone else did too. My sister Holly was my Maid of Honor and a good friend was my other bridesmaid. I knew I wanted Holly up there with me but I couldn't decide which of my friends to ask - I only wanted Holly and one more person. Then one evening I was out with a friend and like a bolt of lightening it was duh ... this is who I should ask. I had stood up with her when she got married and she was a good friend and the perfect choice. Murray asked his brother and his good friend. I don't really remember what we did that morning, I remember getting dressed and having pictures taken on my parents front lawn. Gave the neighbours something to watch. I remember repeating my poem over and over in my head on the way to the church - I didn't want to mess it up. And then being downstairs waiting to go up and marry my love. I remember wanting to stop and check out who was there and say hi but I had to stick to the "program" LOL I remember that I thought Murray wouldn't want to do a big kisso as he isn't really into public displays of affection - so I went for the quick kiss and he went for the big kisso awkward LOL I remember starting to cry once we hit the foyer, I remember standing in the receiving line forgetting peoples names as I tried to introduce them to my parents. I remember being at the hall welcoming people as they came in - even Murray's friends that I didn't know as Murray was upstairs in the Elks lounge having a drink - I think I had to go up and tell him to come to the hall. I remember when it was my time to talk I couldn't but Murray the guy who isn't into talking in front of big groups and not a big talker did most of the talking - which several people mentioned. I remember laughing, smiling, hugging and being very happy. I am very thankful that the good Lord gave me such a great guy. It hasn't always been easy but I wouldn't change it.

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