I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Only 1/2 way through the week....

and I'm exhausted already!! But it's been a good week. But why oh why oh why is it that some weeks you have nothing going on and the next week everything is happening! Why can't I spread some of these activities out better??? Not that I would change anything about this week, I wouldn't miss anything I've done or going to do this week. But this clumping of activities is hard on this old lady!

Driving home from church last night (after listening to the Sonshine choir from Western) I was priviledged to have 2 hysterically giggly 13 year olds in the back seat. Being tired, they were quite annoying...but it made me wonder when was the last time I got hysterically giggly or laughing that hard with my friends???? I want to laugh so hard that I almost pee my pants!!! I want to feel like a hysterically giggly 13 year old (don't confuse this want with wanting to BE one - ugh the horror of going through that again!) Must sit next to Linda tonight, I love how Linda has such a zest for life and is just out there with her emotions and isn't afraid to act on them...

Tuesday night was Accappela concert - fantastic - loved it!! Even acted like a 13 year old and got their autographs but I refrained from having my picture taken with them. I just love how they end the show - all about God, not about them. With praise and prayer and then they just walk off the stage.

Last night was the Sonshine choir from Western - small but great to see the youth singing about God instead of the stuff I hear on the radio.

Tonight is Arlene's birthday supper. We are trying a new restaurant. Looking forward to hanging out with my friends tonight. Friday night is Sarah's soccer game. I'm SLEEPING IN SATURDAY MORNING!!! Beside it's my anniversary and that's about the only way I'll have time to hang out with the hubby. Sleeping...okay not overly romantic I admit but better than the year we both forgot it was our anniversary.

God is good :-)


Heather said...

Okay Holly, now your making me feel guilty for not getting any physical activity and eating crappy! :-)

"If I am working towards top condition in those areas of my life He can use me in more areas of His service." how true though - thanks for that thought, a good thing to keep in mind daily.

Good luck with the running! Keep it up, it might inspire me to take the dog for more walks.

Diana said...

I had to laugh about the giggly 13 year olds, because last weekend I had two giggly (as in near hysterical) girls with me in the mall in Estevan. Bron's dream has been to buy a prom type gown adn parade through a mall, so she got her friends mom convinced to let her kid buy the same dress (40 bucks in the Hangers there--the ones in the cities don't have ball gowns....) anyway I hope she (the mother) doesn't decide that Bron is a bad influence. Personally, after two other kids, I am mellow enough to think "what is wrong with spending the afternoon in a mall in a bridesmaid dress aand runners, giggling your heads off, presumably attracting attention?)I am assuming boys attention but maybe just attention. I think I was a lot like her, but not in any way gutsy enough to carry out any of those ideas. I kind of admire her for having the chutzpah that I never had. As for the gigglyness, we were just discussing that lately. I read that it is something that just that age group has happen, which would explain why we don't do it anymore. I can remember sitting wiht my friend eating pickles and finding every single thing we said funny. Anything our parents said was hysterical. we would laugh till it hurt and keep going. NOw having said that, Bruce wrote a thing the other day that absolutely cracked me up. Our computer is down and he sends a newsletter by email to various members of the arch. society, so he wrote this funny thing to explain why it had not gone out. Maybe it was just my mood but I have not laughed like that for a really really long time. FElt good. Okay, I had better get to bed now. Love ya, D

What I have had to say...