I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sun is shining and a new book in hand...

Well the sun has finally decided to show itself and everyone's mood has improved. I have nothing scheduled for tonight (so far...) so looking forward to reading my new book. My problem with books, is that I love to read, I love to buy books, but don't seem to have the time to read (or too easily distracted with tv and computer). I have about 20 or so books on the shelf to read...so what do I do? I go to the Wednesday night windup at church and browse through the library while I'm waiting for teams to come to my game station, and find a book to read. So again my 20 or so books are put on hold. I'm really hoping to get some beach time to just read my books this summer. The book I borrowed is called A Lineage of Grace - about 5 women from the bible. Historical fiction, it starts with Tamar, then Rahab, then Ruth, then Bathsheba and ends with Mary.

I have decided to take Friday off and with Monday as my regular day off, I have a looonnnnggg weekend :-) Hopefully the sun will keep shining and the mosquito's keep a low profile, so I can sit outside and read. Hopefully Shadow will leave me alone too. I'm full of hope, which is good because the theme for Tamar is that she is a woman of Hope. So it's only fitting that I'm full of hope while I read it.

Lunch time today I was trying to get Shadow to come in. He sat on the other side of the door and gave me this "I don't understand a thing your saying" expression. No matter what I said - including treat's, didn't budge him BUT a wasp accepted my invitation. I hate wasps and I'm scared of wasps, so there is Sarah and me freaking out at the door trying to swoosh the wasp outside and the dog in. The wasp kept coming in and flying out, Sarah and me kept freaking and the dog continued to sit there with the dumb expression on his face. I gave up and left Sarah to deal with it, left through the front door. Hey I was late for work....well it sounded like a good excuse to me. So see if I have an uninvited guest in the house when I get home.

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