I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Sunday, July 30, 2006

God's majestic power!

Well Sarah has left for camp, hubby driving her up, sister downstairs doing her cross stitch and oldest daughter out for the lunch - all this is leaving my house strangely quiet and empty. I don't like it LOL Considering all the days I complain about the noise in my house - especially when Sarah has her friends over - I don't like the quiet. She has only been gone 20 minutes and I already miss her. I'm such a wuss. But she is my light on cloudy days, my joy every day - she brings the most laughter to this house and has the best hugs. I'll miss her playing with my ear, giving me her mischevious grin, telling me her dreams - oh bother Heather - it's only a week for crying out loud!!! Yep I'm a wuss when it comes to my children - how on earth am I going to let go of them when they move out???? I think it's that control thing of mine - after all I'm the ONLY one who can look after them and keep them safe right?? Wrong dear Heather wrong. At camp I know all the people working there and trust them all and yet I sit here worrying about her.... just like I sit and worry about my sister.

But watching the storm last night and hearing how Stan is doing I am coming around to letting go and trusting God can do all. He can look after my loved ones when I can't. The storm with all it's thunder, lightening and hail - something so enormous, powerful and potential deadly was yet so beautiful to watch. God can put beauty in the dark stuff. Stan holding on to life by a single strand has been held so gently by God, and the beauty of seeing the faith of the family/friends rallying around him and the impact it must be having on the medical staff ministering to him would be a sight to behold.

So I can let God look after my sister. I know He will be with her and her family. Thank you Lord for your power, for your tender love, for your strength.

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