I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Friday, August 04, 2006

Holidays are already off to an interesting start!

I was officially on holidays as of 12:30pm Thursday morning. Started off good as I went for lunch with my sister.

Today has been interesting to say the least. Didn't sleep in as much as I wanted to - up at 8:30; went shoe shopping with my daughter and was unsuccessful (we're blaming it on my dad, we got his wide feet); picked up my sister Twyla at the airport in the afternoon and hung out with her all afternoon and evening which was great; my beautiful daughter arrived home from camp much to my delight and happiness; and we had a huge thunder, lightening and massive rainfall in the evening as I'm driving my sister back across town to dad's. I don't normally like driving at night and this just made it worse. But the most interesting was the dress rehearsal for my nephews wedding. Last night the bride called asking if I would do a reading. Sure I said. Go to the rehearsal to find out when and what. I'm the only reader that was able to attend so I got nominated to do the first reading. Turns out it's a catholic wedding - which I don't have a problem with except the first reader gets to carry the Book of Scripture to the front and place it on the podium. I'm like, okay I can do that. Then she hands me the book and explains I have to carry it in front of my face but above my eyes, down the aisle (slowly) and I'm the first one in the processional. Let me just say that this is not a light book, it's bloody heavy!!! And I have to walk down the bloody aisle!! FIRST!!! Slowly!!! Tomorrow will involve me trying on my outfit to see if it looks funny when I'm carrying the book and making sure I won't be showing off any tummy parts!!

If anyone reads this before 4:30 Saturday - please keep me in your prayers that I will not trip going down the aisle. Thank you......

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