I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Monday, September 25, 2006

Proverbs 20:24
"The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way."

This verse is from my Bible reading today and it's interesting that it goes along with the book we are reading. Trusting God when we don't understand his plan, especially during the hard times. Trusting that he is working "upstream" in our lives to turn our circumstances into good.

Favorite quotes from the book - Chapter 2

"The problem is that God exists outside our five senses. Unless God chooses to reveal himself in some way, we don't see, taste, touch, smell, or hear him. But that doesn't mean there isn't a God. People who see God at work upstream are those who have learned to look at the world counterintuitively. They've learned to trust what the Bible calls "the eyes of the heart Eph 1:18 - a built in spiritual sonar in our souls that tells us there's more than we can see."

"I turst the eyes of my heart. I've learned to trust that part of me that measures beauty and love and passion and truth, al the things that can't be placed under a microscope."

"The more we exercise faith - trusting God with our souls and not our eyes, our hearts and not our hands - and open ourselves up to the possibility that we can't see and understand everything, the more we'll begin to recognize God working upstream in our lives."

Things have been quiet here. Hubby was out of town most of last week but then the girls left for the Winnipeg Youth Rally leaving us at home...alone...by ourselves...no kids. Hee hee I look at my past post where I was bemoaning Sarah being away for the week but this weekend I didn't miss the kids at all. It was nice being able to spend time with the hubby, sitting on the couch together, not driving the kids here and there, just relaxing. We went to a hockey game together, washed dishes together (shocker), rented movies and sat and watch them together. I think this is one of the first times that the hubby had a chance to watch any movie we have rented, completely. It was really nice to reconnect with him....wonder when we can ship the kids off again???

Today Sarah had her tongue "web" clipped so she wouldn't be "tongue tied" anymore. She was a trooper and handled the needle really well. Even I handled it well watching the procedure while I held her hand.

I'm thankful for a loving huband who after 17 years of marraige still puts up with me and loves me, meaningful conversations with my girls, a God I can trust when I don't understand why things are happening (not always the easiest thing to do), calm days, a good pot roast, and I job that I still enjoy going to every day.


Janet said...

Thanks Heather for your thoughts. You said what I needed to hear about trusting God. He truly takes care of each of us!

Anonymous said...

I, too, am thankful for a good pot roast.

What I have had to say...