I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Monday, October 30, 2006

Definition of phrases and words...

I've wanted to spend some time trying to really set in my mind what certain words or phrases mean when I read them in scripture or hear them used in a sermon, bible class etc. I did attend a Wed night class where Bob discussed the meaning of "kingdom business" which is one I've puzzled at. That night I thought I'd finally figured it out but since I didn't write it down and my brain isn't good at retention these days, I'm going to have to discuss it with him again.

The reason this came up again, is because I was reading a chapter on Blame in this book titled "Holding on to Hope: a pathway through suffering to the heart of God" She describes the phrase "feared God". Another phrase that I don't think I've grasped properly - I know it doesn't mean "scared of God or afraid of God" but exactly what does it mean. The author descibes it this way.

"It is a profound sense of reverential awe toward God. But really it is even more than that. The fear of God is better described than defined. It is displayed in a person's character and conduct. A person who fears God recognizes God's authority over every area of his life. He has a desire to obey God's clear commands in Scripture. He recognizes his complete dependence upon God for everything he has and everything he is. He approaches every aspect of life with an aim to glorify God. And when life deals him a blow, his fear of God is revealed more completely."

So, if you happen to be reading this - what would you say your description of "fear of God, feared God" is? I loved to hear it.

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