I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Heather Break(ing)Forth:

I attended Breakforth this last weekend. People had talked about the experience of worshipping and singing with thousands of other people, and they were so right. I want to bottle up those overwhelming emotions I felt and carry them with me everywhere. I talked to another first timer and we both had had the same thought - that it was a glimpse into what heaven would be like. Wow.

Here is some of the statements I heard over the weekend that are still rolling around in my head:

"Live life with gusto, 'I've come so that you could have life in abundance' - live like you have nothing to lose, nothing to hide."

"Good news, Good news, I've learned that Jesus loves...me!" This one you need the background story to understand why it chokes me up everytime I think of it.

"Don't judge a stronger brother who can resist what you cannot."

"Need to be in the world but keep your values (love, empathy, compassion)" So what are my values?

"Modern culture - a culture of knowledge, Post Modern culture - a culture of experience."
"This is the largest gap between generations. Adults - if it's true it works, Youth - if it works, it's true" - back to experiencing it.

"Being a believer isn't enough - even Satan believes in God and the bible. You need to be still/allow/feel Jesus living in you."

"Our mandate - Our job to have a loving, intimate connection with our kids and live a life with convictions." Back to this generation needing relationships and seeing the truths of the Bible working in our lives.

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