I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Soccer and Walking:

The youngest is in outdoor soccer again this spring. Been several practices which have given me the time to go walking for the hour. The route I walk when she is at practice is about 5k and I do it in just under an hour - which is really good for this couch potato...still having shin problems with the one leg which totally annoys me and doesn't make the walking all that fun for the first 1/2 hour.

First soccer game was last night - why is it that the parents always have to sit on the side which looks into the sun? Must remember to bring hat next time.

Anyhoo, they WON. Sarah did some awesome goalie save in the 2nd half, some great stealing from the other team (during the 1st half when she played defense) - heck she even ran down one girl and stole the ball from her. Mother and Father were most proud! (oh... just to clarify I don't mean she ran "over" the other girl, just caught up and got in front and stole the ball...). The team did some great passing, lots of kicks at goal, stealing the ball, etc etc.... Next game this Friday.

Reading: The book of Acts; Having a Mary heart in a Martha World.
Listening: to another Canadian Idol and 3 Days Grace on my daugthers Ipod (I finally got my own playlist on it - hee hee)
Computer: Still can't log unto blogspot from home - bummer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Heather - keep up the good work!


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