I am who I am and loved anyway. I hope we all feel that way. "Much more realistic and important to change something in ourselves than in our lives."

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fiddler on the Roof:
Watched this the other day with some friends. A couple of things that have been "mulling" around in my head since then:

1. The main character, I'll call him Mr. T because I don't know how to spell his name. Mr. T was always talking to God.

2. Mr. T spoke frankly to God "I know we are the chosen people but could you choose someone else once in a while?" but even then he still always remember to thank God for what he had.

3. Wasn't afraid to ask the hard questions "Do you love me?"

4. Tradition didn't stop him from being accepting of change, to a point of course and even when the change was more than he could accept (his third daughter marrying outside her faith) he didn't let tradition stop him from loving her still.

Thank you Lord for bright sunny Sundays, my daughter who is learning to ask not tell, for your strength and love that gets us through the hard times, quietness, washing machines, brother in laws, a home my mother in law seems happy in, and your continued patience and love.

1 comment:

Diana said...

I find this too weird. First of all, no one has mentioned Fiddler on the roof for years. Now Bruce and I decided to watch it again a few weeks ago, then you posted your blog and then a day or two later, someone requested the book from our library and I didn't even know we had it. (eg. when is the last time someone asked for it???) It is funny how that works. It is always a favorite at this house. I like that you had some introspection about it. I'm sure that is what the author had in mind.

What I have had to say...